Thursday, January 8, 2015

At A Crossroads

Good evening and thanks for reading.  Today, I've reached a point where I feel confused and overwhelmed and I need to just get my brain straight, so sorry if this is a bit disorganized....

Sunday is my birthday.  45....  I'm not ready for the new year, nor am I ready for 45.  Don't get me wrong, my age is just a number, but I feel so out of sorts at the moment that I don't know what to make of any of it right now.

It's interesting that I'm having this struggle right before my birthday, but I honestly think that the timing is coincidental. There is just so much to do, and I just don't have the energy today.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

I think that I'm at a crossroads in my life. I mean this very seriously and very deeply.  I feel like every decision I make will determine my fate, and I don't feel like I'm overstating this. Satan has been attacking me so strongly lately and I'm physically tired and feel weak that I feel very vulnerable and frankly a little bit scared right now.  I'm afraid I'll make the wrong decision.

I'm also still dealing with a tremendous amount of pain in my body, and the pain affects my ability to think clearly, which is usually one of my strong points.  I know things will get better, but right now they are still challenging. God has brought me a long way in the last year, and I know he'll deliver me in 2015.  But the fact is, that right now I'm really in the battle.  I'm struggling.

Please pray for me.  I really need to get this book written, but I also need time with people and I need to stay close to God.  I also work a full-time job on top of having all the other life responsibilities.  But I really want this book to be my priority this year.

So, that being said, I will probably write a bit less this year in this blog.  I will still try to write regularly, but on average it will be less than usual.

One other very encouraging thing is that right now I have 9,953 hits on my blog.  I can't believe that in the next couple of days, I will likely have 10,000 hits on it!!  That's so humbling to me that all of you care so much to take time out of your lives to find out "What's Up with Tim."  Thank you!!

I'll leave you tonight with a picture I took out at Carkeek Beach tonight.  The sunset was incredible! It was probably my favorite sunset I have witnessed here!   I even spotted a seal again tonight, it was the third time I've seen one out there! That was encouraging!  But here's the photo... Enjoy!

But for now, I'm going to head to bed.  Tomorrow will be better!  Thanks, Ray for your call tonight!  Thank you for giving me perspective.  I'm grateful for you and I'm praying for you!  Have a good night all!

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