Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yikes, it's been WAAAAY too long...

It's been well over 30 days since my last entry and I have to admit, I'm feeling bad about that... So, to remedy the situation, my goal is to write at least one entry per week so that not only can I keep all of you up on the craziness of Tim, but I can also just get stuff off my heart and organized so that I can hopefully see my own progress.

Well, I could certainly go off on a million things that have been going on since March 19 when I wrote my last entry, but I will try to keep it somewhat brief. I have to be honest, I'm kinda tired right now and I want to get to bed early tonight. Wish me luck with that....

I think I should start off with the whole reason that I started this blog in the first place: Personal revolution. The great news is that I have lost a total of 7 pounds, 5 of which were this past week, I'll go over more of that later on... As far as the personal revolution is concerned, I am very excited that I decided to shut off cable so that it would not be so easy for me to veg for hours on end in front of the toob. It really hasn't been that bad, I really don't miss it most days. Any more, I am just more eager to get up and get some stuff done. I do still watch some shows on the internet and an occasional movie, but nothing like my couch-potatoness of yore...

So, the other really good thing has been activity. Lots of it. I've been hiking, replacing the roof over my addition, helping a brother fix his brakes, and lots of other stuff. That's how I lost 5 pounds this week. I am super excited about that, and really want to continue my momentum on all that exercise. I may be able to even walk Bloomsday this weekend, over 7 miles. I'm not sure how I feel about that right now, because I am honestly just exhausted from the past week and a half. Not a bad tired, but a good tired... I am feeling like I am getting lots done.

Last Friday night (4/16), Conan O'Brien was in town and I was super excited to try to make it to his show. I had looked online and there were no tix left, so I went to the box office that night, and they actually did have some tickets! I was beyond excited to see him, he is one of my favorite entertainers and he definitely didn't disappoint. I was however incredibly bummed to find out that he went out to the big red wagon after the show to meet fans. I would have loved to meet him. He seems like a really stand-up kind of guy (no pun intended). Oh well, nothing I can do about it now.... except follow him around to every show to meet him. Well, maybe not, I don't have the money for that and it frankly seems a little creepy. LOL!!! Anyway, thanks Conan for coming to Spokane, I really enjoyed your show!!!

This past weekend my new roommate (Cole) and I went to Missoula, MT to visit friends, hang out with the church and pick up the rest of his stuff. It was a great trip, and fun to spend some extra time with him, Darvin, Viki and Rendee. It was really nice to get out of town and take some time off from all my hard work. As a side note, I'm very grateful for my roommates, Cole and Steve, they helped me out a TON on the roof. I couldn't have done it without them. Truly, I couldn't have... Thank you so much guys!

Well, there was something more I wanted to say, but I can't think of what it was now, so I think that's my sign to hit the sack. If I can remember what it was, I'll try to post again in the next day or two. Thanks for looking in on me and for all the feedback. I love you guys and I hope that God blesses your life more than you can imagine. He certainly has for me. Night!!!