Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Wazzzzzzaaaaaaaap? Well, it's late and I'm very tired, but I am happy to report that the long weekend was a good one. Brandon Renfro was here all week and we had a great time just chatting and hanging out. He's definitely a new best friend. Thanks for all your help, you are a really great brother! Hated to see you go back, but hey, you can't work out of a coffee shop for the rest of your life!

Oh yeah, the weekend.... So, I don't remember Friday night (tired, remember?) but Saturday was great! Got to go see a really cool wedding in an orchard, Tim and Jolynn are now married and off on honeymoon now. The ceremony was cool (literally) but it didn't rain! I guess it's really true that the prayers of righteous men are powerful and effective (James 5 I think)... So then we went to the "Service Station" for the reception. It's a coffee shop on steroids. Has meeting rooms, a stage, the whole nine yards. Very cool and much fun was had by all.

Church was awesome as usual, but there were tons of people from Seattle and Boise and even Missoula in town for the wedding, so got two weekends of incredible fellowship in a row!!! Then helped Diane move and then pool at Farwest, as is our custom. Also over the past few days I have been preparing to finish off the roof project over the back patio. I finished it all off except putting the tin up. Now I just have to find someone who will cut it (and wait until I can afford it... That could be a little while... :)

Today was one of those typical spring days. Sun, rain, cloudy, sprinkling, wind, rain, sun... you get the picture. So I had to halt the work a few times because of rain, but never more than about 20 minutes. But the cool thing was that I GOT IT DONE!! Yay!!! No kidding, two minutes after I got the patio cleaned up, sure enough -- rain. Within 5 minutes, p-o-u-r-i-n-g rain. Thanks God for allowing me to get it done in time! Talk about helpin' a brother out! THANKS!!!!!

So, tomorrow starts a very interesting chapter in my spiritual life. Nothing earth-shattering, just the challenge to read the Bible in 90 days. Since I am not much of a reader, it will be difficult, but I am really looking forward to it. My goal is definitely to finish in 90 days, but if I go a LITTLE longer, it's still a huge victory.

As far as the weight loss goes, last week I hit a bit of a plateau. Not feeling very well, stomach issues, blah blah blah, but I am still at about 8 pounds lost in the past 6 weeks or so. Yay! Fit into my jeans a size smaller today and felt comfortable. Now I need to get to the gym!

Finally, I just was excited to go out for German food tonight. I got a schnitzel and Spaetzle and a very tasty cheddar broccoli potato soup. I don't get German food very often, but tonight was extra cool, because I can take leftovers to work tomorrow for lunch! The schnitzel itself was humungous! I miss Germany. Gotta save to take a trip back there!

Night all, have a great week!!!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Singles Retreat

I would love to spend some time sharing with everyone about my weekend, but I feel I needed to take some time to really process how really amazing the weekend really was. The singles retreat here in Spokane was very remarkable, and on Friday night they showed my video. I was super nervous if it would be good (when you edit and re-edit the video dozens of times, it's not so funny any more!). I got tremendous feedback from people that it was funny. I hope to add music to my copy of the video and post it some time this week.

In the meantime, I need to kind of pull myself back together and get my life back to abnormal. I want to take some time to pour over the notes from the weekend. I have to be honest, I was cynical about Roger Lamb being here, but I was so glad that he came. I am so grateful for the Kingdom of God!!!! Good night until next time... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Haps

Welcome back to another exciting of episode of "What's Up With Tim." When we last left our friend Tim, he was keeping his chin up and fighting the good fight... Let's see what he's up to tonight....

So it looks like I let a few weeks go by without updating... sorry. Thanks Jessica for the reminder last week. I have been so busy, I just never seemed to have the energy lately to sit down and write... So it has been a very eventful last couple of weeks...

In March I received a letter from my insurance company informing me that they would be cancelling my homeowners policy as of May 5 due to disrepair on the roof on the rear of my house (over the dining room addition) and my broken front steps. Since I had planned on repairing these anyway, I decided to go ahead and do the work. Me. And my roommates.

So, I somehow was able to talk Steve and Cole into climbing up on the roof, tearing off about 4 layers of shingles and putting new shingles up. Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it. How I wish it was!! So, the day I was hoping to get the shingles up on the roof, we barely got the roof cleared off. I thought to myself, "Okay, we can finish this on Sunday".... Famous last words. For the next two weeks, I spent every spare moment of daylight I could to finish the roof. Finally on 5/2, it was done! FINALLY!!! Steve Stewart is my hero and Cole Johnson is my sub-hero. I seriously couldn't have finished the roof without both of them. THANK YOU!!!!

That night, I sent photos and receipts to the insurance company and called the next day to find out that they decided to go ahead and continue the coverage on my home without interruption!!! The moment I found out I was SOOOO relieved! All that hard work had paid off in a serious way. I took the guys out for dinner at the Golden Corral that night to celebrate.

After the major work was done on the roof, I am still left with the task of putting up the canopy over the patio. Of course the sheets I removed were 50 years old and 11' long. (Home Depot only sells them in lengths of 10' and 12') so now I have to cart them somewhere (somehow) to get them cut. Well, at least the roof is done, that is not as important. You can see the photos of the progress of the roof on my facebook page.

So if that wasn't enough to keep me busy, I decided that I would have enough time to put together a video for the Singles retreat this weekend. It has been a lot of fun and I finally finished editing the footage on Sunday night, but need to have Phil S help me put music to the video, which he is doing tonight so we can get it to Andrew asap.

The first half of the video is to showcase how cool Spokane is, it REALLY IS a cool and beautiful place to live. The second half of the video will showcase some of the singles (not everyone wanted to be filmed for the video) doing funny stuff a la "The Monkees". It was so much fun filming this part of the video. It's really funny!!! I have to admit I'm a little nervous about showing it. I think it's good, but it's my first try at a real video.... Eek!

I can't believe the retreat starts in two days. I am way beyond excited for this week. I will get to see so many people I haven't been around in a very long time. There will be singles coming from all over Spokane, even from across the country, but mainly Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Calgary, Edmonton, (Vancouver?), Boise, Missoula, Ashland (OR), Portland, and Spokane of course. I am so excited to have over 100 people coming to Spokane this weekend, plus all the Spokane people! This is such a great opportunity for us because the retreat is being organized by the leadership of the Edmonton (?) church, but we get to host it and don't have to travel. I think more than anything I am excited to "show off" our church and our city and to have people come visit us here. I travel to Seattle at least a few times a year and it's nice for people to come this direction!!!!

I am very excited that spring is here. I have moved my watermelon plants outside and have planted 3 kinds of tomatoes, cucumbers and I still have the pumpkins inside waiting to be planted. Maybe tomorrow night! Anyway, thanks for keeping up with me. It's been hard to keep up with myself lately! Love you guys, talk to you again soon!
