Monday, September 4, 2017

Laborious, PRODUCTIVE and Poignant Weekend

Happy Labor Day!

Well my weekend sure lived up to it's name: lots of LABOR in the heat and smoke of Spokane!  Despite temperatures well into the 90's (32-36C), I was able to get my storage cleaned out and some other things done around the house.  It went relatively smoothly thanks to the incredible help of Ryan G!  Thank you brother, I am so grateful for you!  Also, I can't thank the Baldwins enough for letting me stay at their house!  You guys are so amazing!  All of you helped me more than you will ever know!  Thank you doesn't even come close, but THANK YOU!!!!

So there were some really poignant moments this weekend that, frankly, took me off guard.  I donated a lot of furniture, but there was a lot of stuff that also needed to go to the dump.  But once we got he majority of stuff out of the garage, I sat down to rest for a moment and I was just kind of looking around the garage.  All of the sudden, all of the memories just came rushing back...

In 2005 and 2006, I rebuilt that garage.  I tore down 3 walls and the roof and completely replaced them.  I even installed a 4" x 4" steel I-beam (that will be there long after the rest of the garage has collapsed! It's VERY solid.  A little over-built, you might say!)

So as I sat there recalling how I re-built it with my own hands, I took pride that even though one was is not exactly straight (at all!), I still take great pride in finishing the first such major project I had ever undertaken.  And I started to get a little bit emotional.  When you've invested yourself fully into something, it's hard to let it go.  It's kind of the end of an era of my life, but this opportunity will hopefully allow me to start another incredible journey!  Oddly enough, I feel more proud of  accomplishing this project than even my dining room renovation.  And I'm super proud of that project, especially because I survived it! 😁

Another interesting thing happened to me Sunday morning (yesterday).  In my "Memories" page on facebook, there was a video I had posted back in 2012 celebrating the 10th anniversary of our planting the mission team in Spokane.  Now when I left the city 4 1/2 years ago, I was very ready to leave the city for a lot of reasons.  I don't feel like I was running away, but I WAS feeling burnt out and God had obviously given me a dream opportunity to go back to Germany.  Even coming back in September 2014 for the first time in 18 months later was very painful.

But that 15-minute video reminded me of the reason I moved to Spokane to begin with.  It's about people: all my friends that I was in the battle with for more than a decade of my life.  So many happy, joyous moments came flooding back once more as I re-lived that glorious 10-year chunk of my life that I no associate with pain, but now conjures up tremendous pride.  It was the good and happy times spent with them, and serving them in my home and being in the spiritual battle together.  It reminded me of the countless game nights, the meals together, but also the baptisms, the parties, the park services, etc. etc. etc.

God has definitely put me in such a different place the past few years. He's reminding me that it is, and has always been, about the love we have for people.  Not stuff.  A piece of me is with each one of them, and a piece of every one of them makes up who I am today, and will always be a part of the person I will always be.  That is the beauty of relationships that cannot ever be replaced, purchased or forgotten.  Incredible, isn't it?  I'm so blown away by this revelation.

And finally, something else occurred to me this weekend.  There is a possibility that this trip to Spokane may be the last one for me for a while.  When I realized this, I took pause because it's just too easy to be "busy".  But when you really want to take in that moment, to savor it,  then you have to find time with other people.

I was so encouraged to get to spend some time with my very lovely 93-year-old neighbor Alice and her daughter Cheryl.  I love those guys so much.  Over the last 13 years, they have become like family to me.  They helped me figure things out when I was a brand new homeowner in 2004 and ever since have not failed to load me up with fresh tomatoes, zucchini, rhubarb, peppers, etc. from their garden!  They have shared their life with me and that is of immeasurable value!  They have become family to me.  They are amazing.  And even though it wasn't good-bye, it was still poignant and incredibly special.  These are the times I will cherish.

So after much traveling, hard work, hot temperatures, and smoky air, I made it back to Seattle today in time for our church's picnic.  Fun, food, water balloons, and general mayhem ensued!  But after 4 days on the go, it's time for a little rest.  Thank you for letting me share with you tonight.  My heart is full and satisfied in the life and incredible friendships I've been given. I'm so excited for my future and to see what God does in the next weeks and months.  I'm beyond blessed and ready for whatever is next.

Tomorrow my house officially goes on the market.  If you have the ability, prayers and good thoughts for a quick sale at the price I am praying for would be much appreciated. Thank you!

I love you all, thank you that you have cared enough to spend some time with me tonight (even though I don't know it!  Ha!  Still amazing though!)

I may have had something to do with Adrian getting wet at the picnic today.