Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Beginning of the End or the Beginning of a new Beginning?

Heart's feeling a bit heavy tonight despite a really good and encouraging day.  It's 1a.m. and I should be really tired right now, but just feel a bit restless.  Tomorrow is the day I set to have a job by, before I start searching for a job back in the states.  In one way, I feel at peace, in another the future is really unsure. This doesn't necessarily mean I will actually be returning, just that it's a milestone I have set to hope for the best and yet still prepare for the "worst".  I feel like over the past few days I have struggling to continue to believe and have prayed for that confidence.  Still have some very viable and encouraging job leads so I'm not ready to give up quite yet.

Made some chili for the roommates tonight and it was pretty late.  One of my flatmates called me on something I was doing (and had no idea... long story...) and I feel bad that I didn't realize.  Then realized I missed an appointment with someone by Skype in the states about that same time.  Feeling a bit frustrated with myself right now. Fact is, I was tired after church today and still haven't even taken a nap.  That was 12 hours ago.

Oh well. God is still in control.  I trust him.  Now more than ever....  My every need is covered and I can be at peace.  Need to pray before bed, so good night and many prayers tomorrow would be appreciated. Thanks!

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