Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I just wanted to take a moment to say how spoiled I feel. Last night we had a "Non-marrieds" get together at the home of my good friend, Katja.  Part of the activities was a chance to say something encouraging to other people on how they have impacted our lives.

One very special brother to me shared that if I had to go back to the states in a couple weeks (two weeks from today) that he would miss me more than anyone he has ever had to say good-bye to.  Almost brought me to tears.  Another brother shared that he felt he really bonded with me when I shared a photo I took of my family at a Single's Devotional. It was the last known picture taken of my uncle 11 days before he died. This brother was someone that I have not spent much time with, but was super encouraged by him (even though he is obsessed with 'knock knock' jokes, LOL).  Katja also shared about the intense and spiritual talks we have had, eating chickens, (but somehow forgot to mention me spewing beer and bread all over her. LOL) etc.  You know, it's amazing the experiences I have shared with these people in just such a short time.  I really feel so blessed to know, and feel loved by, these incredible people.

Tonight, we had our Men's Worship Night and afterward, I was so encouraged to see someone get baptized, who had just moved with his family to Berlin from Milan, Italy.  Tomorrow I get to spend time with Christoph and Sauerkraut (see my last post, lol) and on Friday (God willing), I will hopefully be driving to my former home of 4 years, Munich, to meet the people from the church there and see my old stomping grounds.  Please pray for a safe and successful trip, and for God to bless me with a job either here or there.

Now, it's time for bed, my heart is full and I couldn't be more content with how God has blessed my life.  A job would be nice, too, but for now, I'll just enjoy basking in the warmth of my God and the rich life I have. Who needs money when you have friends?

I'm going to close with a quote from one of my all-time favorite movies (and it's a Christmas movie), It's A Wonderful Life:  "No man is a failure who has friends." - Clarence the Angel

Good night all.  Much love from Berlin!

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