Thursday, August 7, 2014

Working Through New Challenges

Man, it has been such a whirlwind lately.  So much has happened and I finally feel like things are starting to move slowly in the right direction (still?)....  Anyway, I wanted to update everyone what's going on in my life. The past month and a half has been incredibly challenging for me.  I'll try not to complain, but I have felt challenged in so many new areas of my life, it's been challenging and discouraging. Sigh.

So, here's the story.  I mentioned a while back that I fell on June 20th.  At first I was super embarrassed and tried to just "shake it off".  Unfortunately, that has not been possible.  Within a short period of time after my fall, I began to get really bad headaches.  They covered the entire top of my head and they weren't migraines, but despite that, they were very unpleasant.  I never get headaches and these were pretty debilitating.

I also started to get dizziness.  About a week after the fall, I went to the emergency room and they did everything from urine test to CT scans and everything seemed fairly normal.  One of the side effects of this injury is that I cannot do anything that is strenuous.  No lifting heavy objects, no running, no going to the gym and I am only allowed to walk short distances, starting at only 15 minutes at a time, and even that was sometimes too much as I would get very dizzy.

This has been extremely challenging for me because even though I'm not in great shape, I am still pretty active and now that I have a gym membership, I can't even use it.  When I come home from work I haven't been able do very much.  I feel like I'm a slave to this and there's nothing I can do about it.  I have gained weight over the past few months and I can't do anything to be active.  It's kind of driving me crazy.

My physical therapist told me it's not uncommon for people to get this kind of dizziness after a fall if their neck muscles tighten up, because if it's really bad, those muscles can actually cut off circulation to the brain.  After I felt like I was making progress this was just devastating for me.  I feel like I'm taking one step forward, two steps back.

I am super grateful to have insurance covering this injury, but it definitely has added more to my schedule.  Oh well, hopefully I will be past this situation soon.  Please pray for my back and neck muscles to loosen up!

Also, things at work seem to be getting better.  I'm grateful for my manager, I feel like he's really concerned about his employees and that makes such a huge difference for me.  Like I said, the wheels do seem to be moving slowly, but at least they are moving.

Yesterday, I had a massage appointment with the same physical therapy practice I've been going to, but a different person doing it.  She worked the knots out very intensely, by far the most intense since I started a few weeks back and this is good.  I've been asking to do whatever is necessary to make me feel better, get rid of these headaches and get back to normal.  Well, she did a great job and to the point that I was physically ill today as a result of all those toxins being released into my blood stream.  I'm grateful I had the day off today, it would have been tough to work today through all that.

When I woke up this morning, I was so sore from the massage yesterday, that I immediately called the physical therapist to cancel my appointment for this afternoon.  I would not have been able to make it through that....

So, I would like to ask for prayers again for my dad.  He's back in the hospital with complications from his double lung transplant from about 9 months ago.  I haven't seen him or my stepmother since they went to the airport with me April of last year when I left for Germany.  I would like to go visit them, but can't afford it nor do I have time to take off from work.  Please pray for God to make it possible for me to be able to go visit them for a few days in Arizona.

Well, that's about it for now.  I just wanted to let you know what's been going on with me.  I haven't been posting much lately simply due to my circumstances, current health issues, etc.  Thank you all for all your prayers and support.  I would love to thank each one of you personally one day.

Until then, love those around you.  Not just your family, but everyone that is a part of your life.  The world needs more people to give of themselves.  Have a good night!

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