Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Direction

Good evening all!  Thanks for taking time out of your life to read up on what's going on in my life.  I'm finally getting all the chaos of my life somewhat organized in my heart and getting back on top of all the challenges.  I still feel overwhelmed by the things that are going on, and some days I feel like I'm making progress, sometimes I feel like just going back to bed.  Either way, I try to keep going, moving forward, but in some ways I feel a bit aimless, not sure where I should put my time and energy.

Obviously, my relationship with God is first, with people second, and like anyone, have work and home responsibilities... 

Well, I have said it before (if not in this blog, definitely in my conversations with others), but I really need to get back on writing my book. With all the challenges I have been facing, this is much easier said than done. But it is possible.  November is National Novel Writing Month (we really DO have a month or day for just about everything!).  Also, apparently there was a sermon at the International Singles Conference just over a month ago about "52", essentially encouraging people to consistently add a positive habit, and commit to it for 52 days.  So, with those two things, I have decided to write.

I really believe in the power of the Bible and this book I'm writing is on relationships and is based on Biblical principles.  I believe that some of the concepts really have not been dealt with and I have seen so many people do things the wrong way (myself included).  I also believe that the implementation of these concepts will not only change our own lives, it will change our churches and the world.  I know it sounds a little "pie in the sky," but I really believe it with all my heart.

I've also been very encouraged lately about friendships that I have been building here.  They are truly helping me, and hopefully I will be able to encourage them as well. 

I have also sent an email to the company that I trained with at this time last year in Berlin to see if they have any positions opening soon.  They liked me and I liked it there as well, and we'll see if God blesses that or if he wants me to stay here longer.  I feel like I need to start moving forward in my life because I feel well and truly stuck right now.

I'm really working on my attitude, which some days is great, but other days I still struggle.  I am just praying that God will make it clear either way.

In the meantime, I have really been enjoying going out to the beach to pray, and just be quiet. With the somewhat wetter weather and colder temperatures lately, I haven't been there in a week or two, but it really has helped me feel closer with God.  Still have a lot of work to do there, but I'm grateful for whatever progress I can make.

I will continue to battle the challenges that I face, God willing, but please pray for me to be successful in my dream to finish the book, and be able to make it back to Berlin.

Thanks for catching up and am happy to answer any questions, either on here, by email or in social media.  Have a great week!

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