Monday, November 10, 2014

What a Day!

Well, I have not updated two days in a row recently, but here we go.  I just wanted to share my very special day.  If not for your entertainment, then certainly to record it for my own benefit.

The day started with church and a great time of worship and time with my brothers and sisters.  Had a short but very encouraging time with the Renfrows, whom I love dearly.  Few people know my heart like these  amazing friends. Thank you both!

Then I headed to watch my Seahawks lay a serious smackdown on the New York Giants, as I hung out with my brothers and sisters and just enjoying some chill time....

Then, it was off to the Mauerparty, celebrating 25 years (today) of the fall of the Berlin Wall. I got to meet new friends, spoke a ton of German and had some great German food and watched videos, slide shows, current and past news programs, books, etc., which reminded me of things I saw in 1986 that are no longer there. Things I had completely forgotten.

I know this may not be all that exciting for you to read, but I'm beyond encouraged to have done what I did today.  I love my brothers and sisters, my Seahawks, and all things German.  That being said, there are only a few things that I could imagine that would have made my heart happier than it was today.  It was a long day, but a very encouraging time.  Thank you, God!  I hope you can enjoy the things in life that bring you this kind of joy.  I wish that for you.  May you dream big, and may God give you the desires of your heart!

Good night and have a great week!

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