Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pushing Through

It's definitely been a great day, but it has also been emotionally challenging.  I woke up this morning and the first thing I see on facebook is that my Spokane mom finally succumbed to cancer.  I'm an emotional person to start off with, but the sadness was just too much for me to take and I cried deeply for my amazing friend. I'll miss you, Chris.  Thank you for being such a great example!

After a few hours, I was able to pull myself together and get out of the house so that I didn't sit here all day just being sad.  I'm really glad I did, too.  Got a chance to meet up with a brother and just share how I was feeling, sharing the sorrow and just having a great talk about everything.  I've definitely been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, lots of challenges, lots of things to accomplish, lots of prayers that need to be prayed.

All in all, my life is actually pretty good right now. All my needs are taken care of.  There are annoyances and inconveniences, but I'm trying to just stay thankful for what God has given me.  Today, a brother generously offered to help me be able to buy some shoes, because my old ones were just simply starting to fall apart.  The soles were coming off, they were wearing really unevenly in the back so I was walking funny on them, etc.  So we went to this shoe store today and we found these really cool shoes, they were 60% off the original price and the brother said that the price was good.  They are Gore-Tex and very cool looking and I can use them around town and even to do some light hiking too.  I'm very blessed to have such generous people in my life. Thank you, you know who you are.

Also tonight, because of Chris passing, I asked some people if they would be willing to hang out for a while with me so I didn't have to come home and be by myself tonight.  So, the amazing Katja, Matthias and Jürgen met me at a restaurant and we had a really fun time. Well, most of it was fun anyway.  You see, a couple really interesting things happened not long after Katja and had joined me.

So I took a drink and realized there was something in it.  It was moving and quickly realized what it was (hold on to your hats here folks). I spit out my beer, a wasp, and small bits of bread all over the table and unfortunately Katja got a bit of it as well.  I didn't just spit once, I spit like THREE times, but not before the wasp stung me on the inside of my mouth.  I was horrified.  Mortified.  Concerned.  Katja looked at me and asked me what was wrong, I explained to her that there was a bee in my beer (she later corrected me that it was a wasp. Sheesh) and that I was pretty sure it had stung me.  She looked at me with sheer horror in her eyes.  She asked me if we should do something.  I said I don't know.  I'm not allergic to bees or wasps that I know of and waited a bit to see if anything started swelling up.  I would give periodic updates as to the pain or whatever was happening, but thank God it only hurt for a while and at worst was just a throbbing pain. I don't think the stinger got stuck.

But the fun was not nearly over yet.  Shortly thereafter, the waiter was delivering a full tray of drinks to the table right behind us. I  realized he was very close to me so I figured I should move my chair forward to give him some room. As I did so, I didn't realize that he had put one foot under my chair, so when I went to move forward, one of the legs landed RIGHT on the tip of his toe.  I was horrified. This was approximately 3 minutes after I got stung inside my mouth by the wasp. On top of everything else that has been going on in my life lately, I was just trying to not completely lose my mind in that moment.  Poor Katja, all she could do is just watch the proverbial train wreck that was happening in front of her. That waiter deserves a medal, I don't think he spilled one drop of any of those drinks, even though he confided to me later that it hurt. A LOT. I explained to him that I felt terrible about it, and that just prior to that happening, I got stung by the wasp in my beer.  He was pretty dumbfounded as well and offered to let us move to another table. We thanked him, but declined and tried to enjoy the rest of our dinner.

I got home and was still feeling a bit down about the loss of Chris.  I sent a message on facebook to my great amazing friend Lori and asked if she wanted to Skype.  She agreed and we spent nearly an hour and 20 minutes just catching up and talking about Chris and what's all going on in our lives.  Lori and Chris were very close and Lori and I are as well, so she was the perfect person for me to talk to tonight about everything I was going through.  I'm so grateful for such a great friend that I have in that sister.  Thanks for taking the time to let me grieve with you tonight, I really needed it!

On that note, I need to get to bed, it's been a good but really exhausting day and I need to get some rest. Thanks for all your support and love, I am so grateful for all of you.  Make sure to hug the people you love, because tomorrow is not a given.  Much love to all of you from Berlin.

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