Thursday, March 27, 2014

Started Working and Moving Tomorrow!

Well, it's 10:30pm and I'm really exhausted, but actually very happy. I'm staying at a brothers' household near Northgate so I can get to work more quickly and easily than from the north sound. We had Bible Talk tonight which ended up just being a big dinner together and a small birthday celebration.  Got to meet some new people and have some great fellowship.

So yesterday was difficult because I moved out of my mom's house and into this brother's house for two nights.  I wanted to take a minute to just say that I am so grateful to my mom for putting up with me these last 2 1/2 months. Thank you for allowing me to be there, even though I know it wasn't easy for you.  Thank you for giving me a room, the use of your car (and remote, LOL) .... I am so amazed by your unconditional heart of love for me. I am forever in your debt.

 But part of this opportunity is that I am able to move forward in my life. Now that I am working, I can now make the move closer to the city and to the disciples after a year without living with other Christians.  I am so excited for tomorrow because I get to move into my new room with a disciple couple here that I have known for a very long time. I feel like I can truly make this place my home, and also be able to spend time with them, they said they wanted it to feel like we are family. I am TOTALLY down with that!!!

As luck would have it however, I apparently have to make life difficult for myself.  I was bringing some of my stuff down to the interim new house and left my cell phone in mom's car when I took it back to her last night, and didn't realize it until I was walking up to the house in Seattle, 25 miles away.  Now that I don't have a car to use, I couldn't just go get it.  I'm glad I am going back tomorrow to pick up the rest of my stuff so that I can get it back, too.  I had to be at work this morning at 6:30 a.m. and didn't have the phone to use as an alarm clock. Not to mention that I couldn't reach the brother who was going to help me move tomorrow.  Got it worked out now, but I really goofed that one up!  

I would also like to ask for your prayers.  I am very excited for the job I got!  Right now, I am training four days in an area of the hotel where I need to do a lot of standing.  With prior beds I have been sleeping in and some other factors, I am starting to have significant back and foot pain.  I can usually last a couple of hours, but by the end of the day, I'm completely sapped and in pain.  I moved yesterday and am moving again tomorrow and just feel completely exhausted.  Please pray for my body to hold out for the next few days so that I can get past this physically challenging time for me.

God has really blessed me with an amazing job.  I'm excited to have a new living situation that will help me be closer to brothers and sisters, and will make it considerably easier for me to get to church on Sundays without having people have to drive 15 miles out of their way to come pick me up.  But I won't have a car and I'm a little concerned about what that will look like. Either way, from this area of Seattle, it won't be nearly as difficult.  But I'm trying not to take control back by going into debt to buy a car, I'm praying for God to help me find a free car.  All I can do is pray, God will have to make the decision to bless it or not.  Either way, I'm trying not to stress over it.

The blog post was short tonight, but I am well and truly wiped out.  I'm looking forward to a nice long sleep tonight and hope to be up bright and early to get ready for my move.  Thanks for all your support and love and please pray with me for God to open a door for me to be able to return to Germany. Thanks to all who have helped me, driven me around, helped me with cash, etc.  I'm very grateful for all of you.  Good night all!

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