Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Tonight's post is going to be a bit of a rant, so I am just going to forewarn you....

First of all, I'm going to start with the good.  I'm very grateful for my new job.  I love working in downtown Seattle.  I love the job description, and the many things I will be doing.  Just imagine all the tasks that take place in a hotel that deal with customer service (except checking people in and waiting tables), I will have a hand in most of the rest of them.  I really think I will enjoy the job....

I am grateful to be all moved into my new place.  I had Sunday and Monday off and with the exception of church, I did little else than start to get my room organized.  I was so tired and sore after a week of moving, and standing while I was training last week. You can say what you want, but being my age and weight and not being used to standing 5-6 hours a day, my feet and my lower back were killing me.  It was nice to have a couple days to just chill out and get stuff done.

So, I got home from work tonight and checked my emails.  I got an email from my credit union that I had requested some information.  I was very frustrated to find out that they were unwilling to follow through with something they had led me to believe they would be willing to do to help me get caught up on some things.  I love my credit union, but I am extremely frustrated by this.

With as much as I have had to deal with lately, I just feel like this is the last straw.  I'm tired, I'm trying, I'm exhausted.  I could really use some things to really start working.  I know this is just a speed bump in the road, but I'm sick of speed bumps.  I want to start making some headway.  I want to start moving forward. I don't need more challenges, I need help and hope.  I feel like I take two step forward and a step and a half back.  I'm so frustrated about this.

I know I just need to go to bed, but I needed to get this off my chest.  I know God's in control and this is all part of the plan, but I'm physically and emotionally at my limit.  Please God, give me some hope and some direction on how to overcome this.  I'm going to bed....

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