Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ballets & Bumblings, Buddies and Ball Games

I love trying new things. Usually.  Well, this week has been all about doing new things and really enjoying them.  It makes me sad when people are afraid to try new things, or to give something up.  I think for a while I was beginning to become that way, but I'm so glad God is helping me to see and experience new and amazing things.  The first, as you may have already read, is going to a honest-to-goodness ballet.  Actually, I went TWO nights in a row, and I loved it.  I've gotta be honest, I was skeptical, but this troupe, the incredible Ballet Magnificat! was pretty amazing.  They tell a story with their dancing and it's really inspiring. The first night was the story of the Israelites leaving Egypt in Exodus.  Then they talked a little bit about the birth of Jesus, then his death. The second night was a really cool twist (for me, at least) on the story of the prostitute Rahab in the Bible and even though she did not live a righteous life as a prostitute, that the Bible says her actions were righteous because she did a great deed, that probably saved the lives of some men. The story was set in 1970's cold war Soviet Union. Very interesting twist on this story. All in all, a really excellent depiction of this story through dance.

So, after the performances both nights, the dancers came across the street to Connections Library and ate and talked with some of us (who apparently are gluttons for punishment and don't like to get to bed until after 1a.m.!!)  Anyway, in all honesty and sincerity, I really felt like afterward that I had made some new friends through getting to know a few of them personally.  Got a chance to talk to Jonathan, Christina and Bethany and others there and was just super encouraged to hear about how they came to be in a Christian Ballet company.  I have to be honest, one of the more encouraging stories was one of the young ladies said she has been dancing for 27 years!  Can you imagine?  Ballet is brutal on the body, but she is still going strong. I was pretty blown away by that number.  I was still back in high school then!!  Anyway, thanks for sharing your stories and I will never forget you guys!!!

So I was very excited about hiking yesterday with the Singles.  I only had one person respond to say she would be coming.  I hoped that more people would come anyway.  So, Thursday night I sent out the specific instructions on where and when to meet, etc.  So Saturday morning comes around and I'm at the meeting spot and I wait about 30 minutes.  Nobody else showed.  It was raining and the one person that RSVP'd said she would probably not hike if it's raining because she didn't have any waterproof clothes.  No problem.  So anyway, I didn't have her phone number, but I did put my phone number in the email.  I figured she would call if we didn't see each other.

So, in my normal fashion (of late anyway), I got home and received an email from her that she was curious if she was the only one to show up.  She went on the hike despite the rain!  She never got my email because even though I hit "Respond to All" on the email, I realized afterward it only went to one person, and I'm not even sure who that was.  Ugh.  So even though I'd sent the info out, nobody really got it.  I was so frustrated and frankly really embarrassed.  We talked today and it was really just a comedy of errors.  I called Katja on Saturday morning to see if she could look at my email to make sure I had all the info correct.  We also discussed trying to reach this other sister, a very close friend of hers.  She misunderstood which person I was talking about.  In any case, nobody received the email, nobody called anyone else and at least one person enjoyed the hike...  Well, we still have the rest of Summer and Fall to organize others....  Just my "luck".

The day wasn't a total waste because I was able to spend some time walking around the city of Spandau, which is a really cool old city, I'll post a couple pictures of the city below.  Anyway, I was getting a bit cold and sat down for a coffee and did a bit of poking around the old town, took some pictures and went off to have lunch with a friend back in Berlin.

The friend I had lunch with was a guy I met in Spokane last year who I helped to learn German.  He got in Friday evening and we decided to have dinner together and we met on Alexanderplatz and went for Mexican food at Cancun Restaurant nearby.  I was definitely jonesin' for some good Mexican food and I was not disappointed.  Shredded beef enchiladas really hit the spot!!!  So yummy.  We stayed there until nearly midnight just chatting about anything and everything, then we headed out on the square and talked for another hour or more.  Finally, about 1:15 a.m. I figured we had better had get going because I had to be up for the hike and all the way across town by 10 a.m.  I finally got home at 2:10 a.m.(after 30 minutes walking home from the subway) and went to bed shortly thereafter.  Eight o'clock sure did come early yesterday!!  I did make it up to Spandau at 9:56 a.m.  Just made it!  Anyway, too bad I wasn't able to meet the sister from church.  Oh well, next time I guess.

So Ken and I went to lunch yesterday as well and we went to the Alt Berliner Bier Salon (if you remember, it was where I had breakfast the first two mornings I was in Berlin).  I had a really good Schnitzel and fries and then we headed off our separate ways.  I should mention here that I wasn't exactly sure why Ken was in Berlin.  He has recently been traveling in Spain and France.  One place he went, I knew he went to see the band, Rammstein in concert.  I'm vaguely familiar with their music, they're kind of hard rock.  Then, it occurred to me that he was a GROUPIE!!!!  I just about laughed my butt off.  I shared this with him and he finally just gave in that he is a bit of a groupie, but he doesn't go to every one of their concerts, but a lot of them.  Apparently it rained like crazy the whole time last night, but he still had a blast.  You go, Ken!!!! You're a better man than I....

Today after church we got together again for coffee and a slice of pizza on "Alex" again.  Then he had to get to the airport to go home.  Wow, I can't remember the last time I just hung out with someone and chatted about everything.  It was really a great weekend.  We had been talking about having this meeting since he moved to Zurich last year.  I love it when you can check something like that off a "want to do" list to a "done" list.  Thanks, Ken, for being here in Berlin this weekend, it was great to have my first official visit by someone I knew from Spokane. :)

So, finally for tonight, I was super encouraged last night to get together with some folks to watch the UEFA European championship soccer game.  For the first time in the history of this league, it was the first time 2 German teams faced off together.  The league includes 3 or 4 teams from (I believe) all European countries, so I was super encouraged that my former hometown team, Bayern München (Munich) was in the finals.  This was like the Superbowl of European soccer, so it was a really big deal, watched by millions and millions of people all over the world.  So, anyway, to make a short story long, Bayern WON!!  I had my scarf on to support the team. I'm sure that's why they won!  Well, probably because they are just an amazing team, but it was a ton of fun watching the game.  I think I might have to watch more soccer.  For those who know me, that's kind of a big deal because in the States I used to only watch the Seahawks football, and like NOTHING else.  Hm, I think I might be becoming a European after all.  I think I can deal with that. :)

Well, I'm sure there is more I could ramble on about, but I think I will hang up my pen for the evening.  I do have a few things I have to do tonight because starting tomorrow, I will be hitting the streets to personally market myself to hotels in the touristy areas of the city.  Wish me luck, cross your fingers, push your thumbs, pray, send good vibes and thoughts for me this week, cuz I need to find a job!  Thanks for checking in on me!


  1. When Rammstein complete their 2013 tour later this year, which is their 3rd main tour in succession since 2009, I will have attended 15 shows over 6 countries (since 2009).... out of the 237 they have performed. That's really not a lot :)

    1. That's cool, Ken. I think it's great that you love to go see them, I hope you're not offended by the "groupie" tag.

  2. Okay, I've been trying not to ask this...did you go see the SPANDAU BALLET?!!

    I'll show myself out...

    1. Funny how I went to a ballet and Spandau the same week, but there is no Ballet company that I know of in Spandau. TRUE! Thanks for showing yourself out, Debi, I'm glad I didn't have to do it. LOL!!! (Seriously, I AM glad you asked the question. Shows you are a TRUE fan of 80's music, we're kindred spirits that way) :)
