Sunday, July 2, 2017

Day 3: Oh lordy....

Ah, what can i say about day 3?  Well, let's just say the rubber is hitting the road today.  I woke up this morning feeling like I was run over by a truck.  Headache, stomach ache, and feeling super weak.  I crawled out of bed and it took a while for me to get moving!

Still been feeling some nausea but started drinking more water.  It seems to be helping. Also some of my back pain and foot pain returned.  Hopefully for one last time? 

But despite all of this, I made it to church, and it was very encouraging!  Afterward I had to unfortunately cancel my plans once again to go see my dad in the hospital because I don't think I would have lasted 5 minutes.  Just felt lousy....

So I came home and took a nap because I was just exhausted.  Two hours was great, but could have stayed in bed much longer!!!  I also had to get some laundry done, and then went to hear John Causey preach to our little group at the staff meeting, and it was amazing!!  Thanks John!

But shortly after the lesson, I had to come home to finish my laundry and hopefully get to bed at a reasonable hour. I've been trying to be out and about and semi-active.  But Joel mentioned today that I looked pretty tired.  It's true.  But I was still trying to be giving!

Also, I don't think this is cheating but I inadvertently took a couple breath mints at the meeting this evening, but realized after a few minutes that was probably not part of the plan, so I spit them out.  I hope that doesn't ruin any progress I've made so far.  But one thing I was not aware of, but this juice fast comes some serious breath.  Eek!

Anyway, PLEASE pray for me tomorrow. I have to work my regular 6:30am shift and I'm hoping that it's quiet at work.  If I can make it through tomorrow I think I've got these first 5 days!!

Day 3:   DONE!!!!

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