Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Day 5: Starting to Feel Human Again

Welcome to my Day 5!

Waking up this morning after a nice long (for me) 7 hour rest, I got up and felt like my head was starting to clear up a bit.  It was such an unfamiliar feeling, but what a great feeling! And all of the sudden, I had more energy!  Now, I do still have a kickin' headache and a bit of haziness, but the stomach pain and nausea are generally getting better.  This is VERY promising!!

I'm so encouraged by today!  I got up and had the energy to do my finances, start making a dent in cleaning my room, juiced twice, did a load of laundry, replaced a side view mirror on my car (long and very boring story) as well as some other various projects, then got to visit my dad in the hospital this afternoon! 

I just didn't feel up to going out to Gasworks Park for the 4th of July festivities with the church, so I was bummed about that, but this was definitely the most productive day I've had in a long time!  Thank you God!

I'm getting ready for bed and it's currently 10:48pm.  Since it's July 4th, there are still a lot of fireworks being let off in the neighborhood, so I'll have to wait it out a bit longer.  Hopefully not too much longer though because 4:45am comes quickly!

Thanks again to all of your love and support, moral and otherwise!  I can't wait to see what the next few days bring!  I'll continue to share more as time allows.  I'm not sure if every day is going to be ideal, but I will update regularly!

Happy 4th of July to my American friends and happy July 5th to my non-American friends!!  (Just cuz!)  😏

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