Monday, July 3, 2017

Day 4: I'll just call it "Cravings Day"

CAUTION: Short "Gripe-fest" to follow (It's short, I promise!):

Man, all day I've been dreaming of a big fat juicy steak, grilled to perfection on a BBQ grill, seasoned with lemon & pepper and Montreal Steak Seasoning and smothered in fried mushrooms.  With a baked potato on the side, with all the toppings!  ALL. DAY. LONG!

My body is getting desperate, I'm even craving stuff I don't really even like all that much, like the Chinese food from a can that my mom used to make us in the 70's (Love you, mom!).  😀 Very bizarre stuff!  But craving so many things today...

Also still feeling generally yucky, with bouts of stomach discomfort and some nausea.  Headache is still hanging out and still feeling pretty wiped out.  Y'all can pack your bags and get out of my body!

I've seriously been so tempted to give in today!  Thank you for all your prayers and support!  (By the way, a few very generous people have donated a total of $125 toward my costs.  I'm so incredibly grateful for you!!)

I feel like I'm sooo close to my first goal.  I don't think I've ever gone 4 days in a row without food in my 47 1/2 years!  So, this is a big deal for me!  I just have to make it one more day before my body adjusts, so I'm told!  I can't wait!!! 

Today was my biggest concern, having to be nice to people on the phones at work!!  My bosses were so incredibly kind to allow me to do a different task for a few hours today since they knew that I was feeling a bit under the weather.  I'm so grateful for them!  And then they let us out an hour early, which I didn't find out until nearly the end of my shift! 

So, tomorrow, we'll see how I feel.  My church is planning a 4th of July celebration in a popular park with tons of people, no parking, etc. And if I feel anything like I do now, there's just no way I will have the energy to handle all that tomorrow.  (Man, I sound old!!)

Day 4:   ALMOST DONE!!

And bring on Day 5, I'm ready to get this phase of my journey over!!!  

(Prayers and good thoughts still much appreciated!  Thanks!)

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